Key Takeaways:

  • Poor attic insulation causes your roof to deteriorate.
  • This problem leads to leaks and other damage.
  • Poor insulation can lead to mold and mildew growth, which can cause respiratory problems for you and your family.
  • Asbestos was once a common ingredient in insulation, but it’s now known to be a carcinogen.
  • If you have dust mites in your insulation, you’ll likely notice symptoms like sneezing, coughing, and itchy eyes.
  • You may have a dust mite problem if you have itchy eyes or see small brown or red stains on your walls or ceiling.
  • Mice, rats, and other rodents love to nest in attic insulation because it’s warm and soft. These pests can carry diseases.

Attic insulation is essential when it comes to energy efficiency. However, did you know that if your attic insulation isn’t installed properly, it can do more harm than good? Many people have no idea how to tell whether or not their insulation might be dangerous. This post will discuss how to tell if it’s harming you and what you can do about it!

Poor Attic Insulation Affects Your Roof and Your Health
One danger of poor attic insulation is that it can cause your roof to deteriorate. Heat escapes through the attic causing the snow and ice on your roof to melt. This issue leads to leaks and other roof damage. Not only is this a pain (and expensive!) to deal with, but it can also be dangerous.

Another danger of poor attic insulation is that it can affect your health. As heat escapes from your home, it takes the warm air with it. This leaves you with cold drafts coming into your home. These drafts can cause respiratory problems, such as asthma and bronchitis. They can also aggravate allergies and other respiratory conditions.

You can examine numerous things if you are unsure if the insulation in your home is harming you. Let’s see what they are.

Water Leaks

One way to tell it’s harmful to you is by the presence of water leaks. Water leaks are usually caused by condensation on the inside of your roof. It means that the warm air from your home is escaping and causing the water to condense on your roof. If you find water leaks in your attic, it’s important to have them fixed as soon as possible. They can cause damage to your insulation, and they can also lead to mold and mildew growth.

Mold and Mildew Growth

Another way to tell is by the presence of mold and mildew growth. Mold and mildew require two things to thrive: moisture and a food source. If you have water leaks, that’s one-way moisture can get into your insulation. And if there’s any organic material in your insulation, like wood fiber or paper, that can become a food source for mold.

If you witness mold or mildew growth in your attic, it’s important to have it removed promptly. It can damage your insulation and lead to health problems for you and your family if you’re exposed to it.


Another way your attic insulation can harm you is if it contains asbestos. Asbestos was once a common ingredient in insulation, but it’s now known to be a carcinogen. If you built your home before the 1980s, there’s a chance that your attic insulation contains asbestos. If you suspect that your insulation might contain it, don’t try to remove it yourself. Call a professional to have it removed safely.

Dust Mites

Another problem is an infestation of dust mites. Dust mites are tiny creatures that thrive in warm, humid environments. They feed on the dead skin cells that we shed every day, and they’re known to trigger asthma and allergies. If you have dust mites in your insulation, you’ll likely notice symptoms like sneezing, coughing, and itchy eyes. You might also see small brown or red stains on your walls or ceiling, which are the mites’ feces. If you suspect a dust mite problem, it’s best to call a professional for help.

Pest Problems

Mice, rats, and other rodents love to nest in insulation because it’s warm and soft. Not only are these pests a nuisance, but they can also carry diseases. If you see any pests in your attic, it’s important to call an exterminator immediately. To avoid this problem, keep your attic clean and free of food sources that might attract rodents.


Over time, insulation can settle and become compressed. This happens more often with fiberglass insulation but can happen with any insulation type. When it happens, your insulation doesn’t work well and will need to be replaced. You can tell if your insulation is compressed, if it’s lower than it used to be, or if there are any bare spots where the insulation has been pushed out of the way. If you notice this in your attic, the best course of action is to hire a professional to come and take a look.

Check out our blog post about ways to weatherproof your home against storms.

High Energy Bills

If your heating and cooling costs have gone up for no apparent reason, your insulation is likely to blame. Poorly insulated homes can’t remain comfortable, so your HVAC system must work overtime. This increases your energy bills and causes wear & tear on your heating and cooling system. If you’ve noticed your energy bills rising, it’s a good idea to check your attic insulation.

A professional can look at your insulation and let you know if it needs to be replaced or if there are other ways to improve its performance. In some cases, simply adding more insulation can make a big difference.

Inconsistent Temperature

If certain areas of your home are always warmer or cooler than others, it’s likely due to poor insulation. Poorly insulated homes often have “hot spots” where the temperature is noticeably different from one room to the next. Several factors can cause this, but most often, it’s due to leaks in the insulation.

If you have an attic, it’s a good idea to check it regularly for signs of leaks. Even a small hole can allow a lot of heat to escape, making your home less comfortable and increasing your energy bills.

Another problem is that it doesn’t evenly distribute heat throughout the home. This can lead to drafts, which can be uncomfortable and even dangerous in extreme cases.

If you suspect that your insulation is harming you, it’s important to get it checked out by a professional. They will be able to determine the best action to take to improve the situation. Sometimes, it may be as straightforward as adding more insulation to the attic. At times, you need to replace the existing insulation.

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